Friday, December 29, 2006

Physical Exercise and Brain Efficiency

You may have noticed that I haven’t been updating my blog as often as I should.

I’ve entered a mall-based fitness club two months ago.

No, it’s not for weight reduction, although I certainly need to lose a few pounds. I just want to engage in regular vigorous activity to prevent stress and boredom. And considering that the club is based inside a mall and closes at 10:00 in the evening, it made exercise very attractive to me. I also read somewhere that people with blood type O (me included) need to undulge in intense physical workout to feel good and be healthy.

There was a study of over 2,000 French adults which indicated that ones weight can directly effect mental functioning. Researchers found that participants with a higher Body Mass Index (BMI) did not perform as well on a battery of standard cognitive tests, assessing abilities like memory, attention and speed of learning, attention and speed of learning. The results indicated that not only did individuals with higher BMIs perform poorer, but they were also at greater risk for dementia later in life.

Exercise is an excellent antidepressant I was told and, according to experts, a great anxiety prevention..

For an investment of at least 20 minutes, 3 times a week of physical exercise, you get: a detox treatment, improved thinking, and decreased stress, anxiety, depression, and addictive tendencies --- certainly a good deal! Not to mention weight loss, increased energy, and socialization (that is why I joined this horrendously expensive “exercise club” …ha…ha…ha).

An interesting component to the stress reduction is not just the physical burning up and removal of stress hormones, but also the sense of control that a regular workout gives you. The sense of autonomy you get by taking control of your health is a great stress reliever.”

I recently learned that if you play sports that involve strategy and skills, it will give you a brain workout. I use the time in the gym to focus on my breathing and/or technique so that I get a meditative workout.

So, with a good workout, you can accomplish 3 of the 4 brain fitness pillars at one time: physical exercise, mental stimulation and stress management. Add in a balanced diet and you're ready for the travails of life!